Quotable Quotes

Memorable quotes and quips
about espresso from the forums

quote Common wisdom isn't always right

"There's been a lot of 'armchair science' around coffee and espresso, much of which has proven to be wrong." --Jeff Kletsky, Why are 25 gram baskets not popular?

quote Nobody is loved by everybody

"The idea that popular products don't receive criticism is simply not true. Maybe it's the minority and maybe that's because a product is a very good one. But the Niche Zero has certainly not escaped criticism." --John (jpender), Niche Zero: One year in review

quote Entry level by another name

"If you end up wanting to pursue espresso as a hobby, [entry level espresso equipment] will limit you at some point, depending on which ways you decide to explore. Those are sort of the Toyota Corollas of the espresso world." --Jeff Kletsky, Advice on espresso machine/grinder for a newbie

quote Happy Birthday, Angelo Moriondo

"Today, Moriondo is considered as the father of the express machine and consequently the starting point of the history of espresso." --Sebastien Delprat, In search of Moriondo's espresso machine

quote Recalibration of expectations

"Expectations are just that. I'm on the list, and I greatly appreciate an honest list over aggressive marketing masquerading as transparency." --Jeff Kletsky, Delay for Argos lever espresso machine

quote Great grinder → happier barista

"The TL;DR is: invest in the grinder. More than you would now feel comfortable. It'll pay off in the form of much better coffee and a happier, less frustrated you." --Osku, Rocket Appartamento - help, heavy channeling

quote This is supposed to be fun, remember?

"But you know what? I get pretty damn good coffee with my simple recipes, simpleton devices and 10-15 minutes of concentration. I cherish the fact that I know where and how to improve, but I resist on the fomo and upgraditis." --Dustin Holloway, Reviving the coffee Zen?

quote FOMO at the next level

"I guess 99.9% of the world population who drinks their coffee without [this mod] is perfectly happy. So in HB, the answer should be yes, [this mod] is absolutely necessary and life-changing." --Ype, Is FOMO on pressure profiling justified?

quote It's not only about the destination

"Even if that task is mundane and only seen as an obstacle to something else - such as washing dishes [ed: or making espresso] - focus on what you are doing right now and there will almost always be something to enjoy." --Henry (HH), How to find zen in espresso?

quote Misplaced attention

"This reminds me of the precision basket discussion. If your aim is to chase diminishing returns to the ends of the earth, I applaud you and wish you success, but I highly suspect many folks would enjoy their coffee more if the process were placed on a lower tier than the product." --Jake Groseclos, Why WDT this?

quote Turning up sweetness to 11

"If you drink sodas or eat many prepackaged foods, your perception of sweetness is screwed. You will never taste the sweetness in anything natural [like coffee] since you've been doing the equivalent to your taste to what standing next to jackhammer would do to your ears." --Jim Schulman, Can espresso actually taste sweet?

quote Tech Talk on "How to Avoid Electrocution"

"UNPLUG THE MACHINE BEFORE STABBING THINGS WITH STABBY THINGS." --John (JRising), Breville Dual Boiler short circuit

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