Recent posts - Page 44

by jpender
April 20th, 2024, 8:31 pm
Forum: Knockbox
Replies: 26
Views: 921

What are they doing here?

I'm not a roaster (yet) but what I've read is that white coffee is roasted to 300-325°F. The images I've seen of it brewed (when ground) as well as green coffee (again ground) is more of a dirty pale beige liquid rather than that baked beans orange in the screenshot I posted from that video (see {video}). Not sure
by Fes
April 20th, 2024, 8:09 pm
Forum: Buying Advice
Replies: 4
Views: 288

Beginner seeking espresso setup first purchase recommendations

Thanks for your response. Your post has brought me back to earth and I have bought a BDB, and ordered a DF54. Now I need to learn to use this stuff! Thanks again
by drgary
April 20th, 2024, 8:00 pm
Forum: Coffee Brewing
Replies: 74
Views: 984

Moka pot question about the amount of coffee in the filter basket

I'm a bit under the weather today or already would have posted a video. You're right. I don't like to brew dark coffee hotter than 80C. In case it helps, here's a photo I took long ago of a relatively slow flow in my 6 cup moka pot as it came near the end. It tasted good. It
by SutterMill
April 20th, 2024, 7:38 pm
Forum: Knockbox
Replies: 26
Views: 921

What are they doing here?

I remember Dutch Bros pushing white coffee hard some years ago. It had a flavor of grass and a few twigs thrown in for good measure. I occasionally wondered if they just stop roasting beans during the yellowing phase
by Peppersass
April 20th, 2024, 7:34 pm
Forum: Knockbox
Replies: 7
Views: 1178

Sour or acidic, are they the same?

Resurrecting this thread because I was intrigued by Jeff's amusing quote in the Forum tab. I think Jim's explanation is correct, but a bit complex for non-scientists and non-professional coffee lovers. While, technically, acidity refers to the pH range below 0, I find Jeff's characterization more to akin to my experience. Taste-wise, I experience two distinct regions of