>10 Oz Beehouse Yield?

Coffee preparation techniques besides espresso like pourover.
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#1: Post by Bornin1992 »


What is the maximum yield a large Beehouse can give? I have spent time reading recipes and cannot find any with a yield over 10 ounces?

Also, I have decided to pull the trigger on a Baratza Encore: What grind should I start with for the Beehouse?



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#2: Post by Riceman42 »

Hi Ian,
You could probably get solid 16oz brews, maybe 20oz? Anything larger than that I would use a Chemex or automatic drip brew. If you haven't got one, you should buy a scale that measures by the tenth of a gram. A reliable and affordable one I recommend is the AWS 2kg. I would start with a 1:15 ratio of coffee to water. So roughly 33g coffee and 500g water. Grind size for every grinder is going to be slightly different, so an 8 on someone's Encore may be slightly different than an 8 on your grinder. I would start somewhere in the medium range. If your coffee is tasting watery/sour then its likely under extracted and I would recommend tightening the grind. If your coffee is burnt/bitter tasting, then it's probably overextracted and I would recommend coarsening the grind. For a 16oz coffee, you probably want the total brew time to be somewhere from 2:45-3:45. Also, when using ceramic, like the bee house, you're going to want to preheat the sh** out of your brewer, otherwise the ceramic walls are going to suck a lot of heat out of your brew bed. Remember, you're aiming for the brew bed to be around 195-205 degrees. So, if you're boiling water, maybe use water that's roughly 20-30 seconds off boil. After that, it's just practice practice practice. Look into Barista Hustle's website or Chris Baca's YouTube channel for more friendly tips on coffee brewing. Cheers! -Josh